Well, I’m at the final stages of my pregnancy so this will be my last post until I’m on the other-side! So to speak. Exercise is not recommended for the first six weeks after childbirth, and as I’m having a section, there will definitely be no exercise! Once the midwife has signed you off then remember to start gently and build back up again. For those of us who have gained more than our baby’s weight, remember to lose this before toning exercises are started. Dieting however should not be your first thoughts, breast feeding is a great way of helping to control your weight. Once you feel alive again, or remotely human, this is when you should consider your return to fitness, not before. Remember there is no pressure, and for me, if I can’t run a marathon next September, then I’ll put it back till November, when my body is ready. There is no point rushing anything as that will only lead to injury.